tisdag 6 april 2010


Uh. One time... there was this lake... And it was right outside of town. We used to go fishing and swimming and canoeing in it. And, uh, see, one November, this big flock of ducks came in and landed on that lake. And then the temperature dropped so fast that the lake just froze right there. And they... er... the ducks... they... flew off, you see, and they took that lake right with them. Now they say that lake is somewhere over in Georgia. Can you imagine that?

I can.

3 kommentarer:

Jessica Åkerberg sa...

Stekta gröna tomater? Eller är jag helt ute och reser?

lisa sa...

du är och reser på helt rätt spår! var det inte 100 år sen ungefär...?

Jessica Åkerberg sa...

Typ, ja. Nu blev jag sugen på att kolla på den.